Wordlists Overview

A Wordlist is a file that links words with graphics. If you type 'cat' in Symbol Mode while using InPrint 3, the loaded Wordlist will automatically display the symbol associated with the word 'cat'. The symbols displayed when you type will vary according to the loaded Wordlist(s) in InPrint 3.

You can choose to enable or disable different types of Wordlists in InPrint 3 depending on how you want to use the program. You can also use InPrint 3 to create your own Wordlist.

Types of Wordlist

The Widgit Symbols

(Smart Symbolising) Wordlist is linked to the entire Widgit Symbol Database and is the only Wordlist that can have the Smart Symbolising function active. With each software update, the Widgit Database will also be updated - ensuring that you have the largest and most up-to-date vocabulary.

Note: You cannot edit the Widgit Symbol Database, but you can select your default symbol choices.
User Wordlist

This Wordlist file is associated with your Windows Profile, therefore any changes that you make to this Wordlist will only be accessible by you unless you share log-on details. There is only one user wordlist per user.

NOTE: The user Wordlist is always active

Topic Wordlists

These Wordlist files are generally reserved for short Wordlists for small sets of topic-specific words. These files are also easily shared amongst different users. When a document that is using a Topic Wordlist is saved, the Wordlist and all of its entries will be integrated with the file. If you load this file on another computer, the Wordlist, along with the document content will be accessible. Most resource packs are likely to have a Topic Wordlist included, such as an 'Ancient Egyptian History' Wordlist for example.

Symbol Set Wordlists

This Wordlist file is the largest kind of Wordlist and is usually comprised of alternative symbol sets that are often made by third-party companies like Makaton. This Wordlist is not easily shared like a Topic Wordlist because it is not integrated with InPrint 3 documents although it is recognised by it.

Starting Default

When you first launch InPrint 3, the default active Wordlist will be your User Wordlist in conjunction with the Widgit Symbols Database (Smart Symbolising).