Setting the Default Symbol

You can change which symbol is used for a word of phrase by default for every document you create.

To change the default symbol, right-click on your preferred symbol in the Symbol Chooser and select Set this as the Default Symbol.

In this example we have changed the default symbol for ‘drink’ to the noun form of drink (a drink). If you type the verb form (to drink), the smart symboliser will still choose the correct symbol showing the action for the verb.

Defaulting a Symbol Off

Not all symbols are necessary, especially for people who are new to symbols. Abstract concepts like ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘if’, ‘but’ and ‘so’ can be removed. For readers unfamiliar with symbols, only the main concepts should be symbolised.

Some abstract symbols are already defaulted off. You can set a symbol to not show by setting Symbol Off as the default.